Wednesday, May 28, 2014

EOG Information (this flyer was sent home)

    Test-Taking Tips for Students
  1. Read everything! (Title, introduction, italics, and subtitles)
  2. Read the question carefully. Read all the choices and choose the best answer. Look for key words in the question. Be sure you understand what is being asked. Use all the information given.
  3. Never leave an answer blank. It is better to make an educated guess than leave a question blank.
  4. When unsure of an answer, eliminate choices you know are wrong.
  5. If you do not know the answer, but do know the process, try working back from the answer choices.
  6. If you cannot solve a problem, go to the next one and return to the skipped problem later. Be sure to skip that number on your answer sheet.
  7. Check your place to be sure you mark the answer number that goes with the question number.
  8. Check your answer to see if it makes sense. Work problems out on paper or in your booklet. Double, even triple check your computations. Refer back to reading selections to find proof of your answer choice.
  9. Keep an eye on the time. If you finish before the testing session is over, start at the beginning. Reread selections, questions, and choices. Check answers and think again about the questions you thought were hardest.
How to Help Your Child Get Ready for the EOG (Share with your parent/guardian)
Research shows students do best on tests when they receive lots of encouragement from parents and teachers and develop a positive attitude. 
Remember to stay positive even if you feel a bit worried.  Here are some things you can say that may be helpful:
·         You are going to do just fine because you worked hard and behaved well at school this year.
·         Your teacher made sure you have been taught everything on the EOG. There should be no surprises.
·         You do not have to get every question correct to get a big score.
·         I know you will do a great job.
Preparing for testing days
Reading EOG on Monday, June 2nd starts at 9:30am
Math EOG on Tuesday, June 3rd starts at 9:30am
·   Get your child to bed in time to get a good night’s sleep.
·   Make sure they have a calm morning at home on test days.
·   Make sure they eat a healthy breakfast.

·   Make sure they are wearing comfortable clothes that are suitable for the day’s climate

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