Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pyburn News 4/29/14

  • Thursday, May 1:  FiElD DaY 12:30-2:00pm (Rain Date Monday 5/5) and Literacy Night 
  • Saturday, May 3:  Garden Project at Douglas, 9am-12pm Volunteers Needed! 
  • Monday, May 26:  Holiday, No School
  • June 2-6: EOG Testing Window, please be at school!!
Please remember to return all photo orders by this Friday. If you do not want to order or keep any of the photos send them back as soon as possible. You may keep at home any that you wish to purchase and send in the money. 

This week is the book fair. Students may bring in money for the books they wish to buy. 

I have to admit that I was a little disappointed and some students' work on their math homework from Monday night. It is towards end-of-the-year and by this point they should be spending 10-30 minutes on their math homework at least and some nights even more. Today in math class we spent 20 minutes on each problem. The students know the expectation that I have of them and I would appreciate if you would follow through with them at home by being sure they give 100% and not flying through it in 2 minutes.
Vocabulary words 
Weekly spelling words 

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