Monday, April 21, 2014

Pyburn News 4/21/14

Please be sure your student is bringing home 2-3 Douglas library books EVERY week that you are reading together. Also I have "take home books" in my room that they can swap out every single morning if they'd like. Students MUST be reading good fit (not too hard and not too easy) books every night!!!!!! The best way your student can improve in reading is doing it with YOU every night. Not to mention EOGs are right around the corner.. less than 6 weeks ahhhhhhhhh 

Scholastic book orders are due Friday. Be sure to check the side bar for instructions on how to order online. 
Weekly spelling words
Weekly vocabulary words. Remember they do not need to spell but rather recognize and use these words. 

Language Arts testing questions/game called Whaddaya Know? Quiz Show this site is also on the sidebar under vocabulary 

We are continuing our work with fractions. Focusing on using all the vocabulary we have learned to APPLY what we know to real world situations. Ask your students about what we did in math today to make it "real". 

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