Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pyburn News 11-12-13


I thought it would be easier to list several notes for you and you can always check the blog for updates on what we are learning... ask your student tonight about literal and non-literal (also known as figurative) language.

1- Report cards are NOW going home tomorrow (Wednesday the 13th). Dr. Spivey should be sending out a recorded phone message about this. 
2- Monday Folders will also be going home tomorrow with the Report Cards
3- You may keep the report cards at home, but please send the signed envelope back along with signed tests and signed work habit folders.
4- The report cards are confusing... I had to enter all my grades into the program along with the objectives (sometimes a test or assignment met more than one objective) and the computer calculated the score. So it is difficult to tag one test to one of the grades that are listed. Yes, there is more than just one grade for each subject, though the main grade will be bolded. The only grade that you will not see that is bolded is for writing and it is the first number under the writing section. This will make more sense when you see the report cards tomorrow. I just wanted to give you a heads up.
5- There is no written assignment to go with reading this week. However, please look for it next week. 
6- We had an awesome time with our Fall celebration before Halloween. Would anyone be interested in helping with a Thanksgiving party/activity for the class? Perhaps on the Tuesday (26th) before the break? We will not be in school on the 27th, 28th, or 29th for Thanksgiving break. 
7- The weather is so crazy lately, so please send a coat with your student everyday. 
8- supplies needed: Cardstock, ink cartridges HP 96 or HP 97, postits 

Thank you for all your support,
Carol Ann aka Ms. Pyburn

ps- tomorrow is PE so please be sure your student is wearing tennis shoes :)

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