Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Simple and compound sentences, new read aloud/how to take notes

Conjunction video we watched in class

We are working on identifying and using simple and compound sentences. When you are reading at home with your student please help them learn to identify the difference in a simple sentence and a compound sentence. Next will move onto the complex sentences. 

While starting a new reader aloud we are learning how to take notes. We are copying the notes on Post-its and placing the Post-its in the book with information can be found. This is an introduction to book clubs that each student will be participating throughout the year. Rather than giving them a worksheet with questions they are going to be taking notes on what they are reading to come back and share with their bookclub members. That being said, if anyone could send in extra posts it's that would be great. The Post-its with lines on them are the best. Also little small half size post-its are good too :) 

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