Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Celebration 11-26-13

This is the most amazing fruit turkey platter I have ever seen. Thank you Mrs. Bramwell for putting it together for us!!
Here is half the class that decorating their turkey handprint. 
And the other half
Here is half the class doing our weaving activity. We were weaving baskets like the Native Americans did. 
It took lots of time and patience... And sometimes a little help from friends :) Thank you Mrs. Crounse, Mrs. Baggett, and Mrs. Bramwell for helping us today!!!

I am so thankful for all of my students and parents. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Pyburn News 11-25-13

Please go through your student’s Monday folder with them tonight and every Monday night. It is part of their homework to look at it WITH you.
You will find several important things in their folders today. Their CogAt (AG testing) scores AND their BOG (beginning of grade) test scores. Attached to both forms have an explanation of the scores. Please feel free to share these score with your student and talk with them about the results. I already have my own copy of these scores so you may keep them at home.
Math homework: please talk with your student about their homework tonight. They need to explain how they solved each problem and not just what the answer is.  We have a test tomorrow that involves several multiple step questions and higher level thinking.
We have one more day until our Thanksgiving break. I am very thankful for all of my students and their supportive parents. Only you can spend the one-on-one time with your child each day to further their education and it makes such a difference.
Thank you so much,

Carol Ann aka Ms. Pyburn



Due to the delay in sending report cards home, interims will not go home until December 16.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Holly Harp

Today (11/29/13) we had Holly the harpist come and teach us about the harp. It was absolutely amazing. We learned about about he harp and the sounds/pitches they make.

Square numbers

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Math- Writing Equations

Sorry for the glare from take a photo of my laptop screen. Here are the notes from 11-18-13 on choosing the operation. As you can see we used the existing word problem to create a new word problem for question 2.
Wow Algebra!!!! Notes from class on 11-19-13 to use a variable to show the unknown part of an equation. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Compare and Contrast

Our reading focus this week is comparing and contrasting (11-18-13). 

We used two Magic Tree House bookstore compare and contrast books in a series looking at the theme, characters, setting, and plot (11-19-13).
Today (11-20-13) we used the data from yesterday to make a Venn Diagram. 
As a group we did this short compare and contrast practice 11-20-13. Then with a partner we practiced with a different paragraph and questions. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Inequalities and Equalities

This link will take you to a website where you can practice balancing equations http://illuminations.nctm.org/Activity.aspx?id=3530 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Book Review

Please talk with your student tonight about a book they can use to write a review for. This needs to be a book that they have read recently and really enjoyed. We are going to be persuading someone to read it. 

Here is a website full of student examples of a book reviews. 


Outline we used in class (11-18-13)
We decided to start our reviews with a question (11-19-13)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Persuasive writing

Last week we practiced persuasive writing by writing "what candy is the best?" And "which special is the best". We shared these short prices and decided what makes a good persuasive writing piece. 
Today (11-12-13) took notes on who our audience could be to persuade. We have to be mindful of who we are writing for, especially when we are trying to convince someone with our writing.

Abstract Nouns

Figurative Language

There are several Learnzillion videos (5) that we watched in class that can help explain a few idioms. This link takes you to the first video and then on the left side you can see the others to choose from

Notes from reading Amelia Bedelia today (11-12-13)

We had fun sharing and talking about a few Idioms today (11-14-13)

Pyburn News 11-12-13


I thought it would be easier to list several notes for you and you can always check the blog for updates on what we are learning... ask your student tonight about literal and non-literal (also known as figurative) language.

1- Report cards are NOW going home tomorrow (Wednesday the 13th). Dr. Spivey should be sending out a recorded phone message about this. 
2- Monday Folders will also be going home tomorrow with the Report Cards
3- You may keep the report cards at home, but please send the signed envelope back along with signed tests and signed work habit folders.
4- The report cards are confusing... I had to enter all my grades into the program along with the objectives (sometimes a test or assignment met more than one objective) and the computer calculated the score. So it is difficult to tag one test to one of the grades that are listed. Yes, there is more than just one grade for each subject, though the main grade will be bolded. The only grade that you will not see that is bolded is for writing and it is the first number under the writing section. This will make more sense when you see the report cards tomorrow. I just wanted to give you a heads up.
5- There is no written assignment to go with reading this week. However, please look for it next week. 
6- We had an awesome time with our Fall celebration before Halloween. Would anyone be interested in helping with a Thanksgiving party/activity for the class? Perhaps on the Tuesday (26th) before the break? We will not be in school on the 27th, 28th, or 29th for Thanksgiving break. 
7- The weather is so crazy lately, so please send a coat with your student everyday. 
8- supplies needed: Cardstock, ink cartridges HP 96 or HP 97, postits 

Thank you for all your support,
Carol Ann aka Ms. Pyburn

ps- tomorrow is PE so please be sure your student is wearing tennis shoes :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

1st quarter PEP rally award winners

Congratulations to our quarter 1 award recipients. Each quarter I will pick 4 to 5 different students to give out awards based on academics and/or behavior for the quarter. I am so proud of all of my students!!! I hope everyone has a great long weekend and I will see you on Tuesday :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pyburn News 11-7-13

I hope everyone has had a good week so far. Just a few notes/dates I wanted to share with yall:

Tomorrow (11/8) is early release 1:15 and PICTURE RETAKES-- see the blog for more information 
Monday (11/11) is Veterans Day and No School
Report cards will go home Tuesday (11/12) please beware that they are VERY different and my best advice is to look at the explanation sheet that will come with it :)
Science night is 11/19 6-7:30
Please check our blog for photos and information about what we are doing in our class. http://mspyburnsclass.blogspot.com/

Wish list items:
card-stalk white or colored
post-its the normal square size (with lines is the best, but anything will be great) and the smaller rectangular posits would work too--- these are for taking notes in our bookclubs... see our blog for more information

Carol Ann aka Ms. Pyburn

New Social Studies unit for quarter 2

Here is an overview of some of the vocabulary from our unit this quarter. Will be focusing on how we came to America and how we settled once we got here. 

November share schedule

Picture retakes

Strawbridge photographers will be here tomorrow (Friday) for re-takes and makeup pictures.  

Third Grade will go at 9:50

If you ordered pictures and want retakes please send in the old pictures and a note TOMORROW

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Simple and compound sentences, new read aloud/how to take notes

Conjunction video we watched in class

We are working on identifying and using simple and compound sentences. When you are reading at home with your student please help them learn to identify the difference in a simple sentence and a compound sentence. Next will move onto the complex sentences. 

While starting a new reader aloud we are learning how to take notes. We are copying the notes on Post-its and placing the Post-its in the book with information can be found. This is an introduction to book clubs that each student will be participating throughout the year. Rather than giving them a worksheet with questions they are going to be taking notes on what they are reading to come back and share with their bookclub members. That being said, if anyone could send in extra posts it's that would be great. The Post-its with lines on them are the best. Also little small half size post-its are good too :) 

Multiplication and division properties

Please do not worry about having your student memorize these properties. We more want them to be able to use them.