Friday, June 6, 2014

Pyburn News 6-6-14

Dear Parents,

          Our grade level pizza party for students only will be on Wednesday, June 11th from 12-2:00.  Please remind your child to bring a beach towel or blanket to lay on for our pizza picnic.  Our sign up to donate for the parties is on this link . If you signed up to donate anything, please send those items in by Tuesday June 10th.

We are having a class party for parents and students in the classroom from 2pm-2:45pm on the same day as the pizza party (Wednesday June 11th). I will have a slideshow of pictures and the students will share their writing about their favorite parts of third grade. I hope you can attend! We only need a few things for party #2. I have created a sign-up for those things here:

Thursday, June 12th: Last day of school students may bring in board games (no electronics or games with batteries) for us to play in the afternoon. In the morning I will give them their “surprise” (trying to have it ready by Wednesday for the parent party but who knows....) and all of 3rd grade will watch a movie. If you student will not be here on Wednesday or Thursday please let me know as soon as possible so I can get their surprise/gift to them.

Thank you!!!

Carol Ann aka Ms. Pyburn

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