Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Second to last day

Thank you for all the parents that could come today and celebrate with us. This has been the best year. I'm going to miss these cuties!!!! 
These posters will be coming home tomorrow. We loved listening to their sweet messages and thoughts. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Last Pyburn news

This should clear up a lot of questions.  The 3rd grade party is for 3rd graders only and the parent party is for parents and is in our class and very casual-- just hanging out and having a few snacks. Students will have specials everyday this week from 2:55-3:40. 

PLEASE let me know as soon as possible if your student is missing any days this week!!!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Pyburn News 6-6-14

Dear Parents,

          Our grade level pizza party for students only will be on Wednesday, June 11th from 12-2:00.  Please remind your child to bring a beach towel or blanket to lay on for our pizza picnic.  Our sign up to donate for the parties is on this link . If you signed up to donate anything, please send those items in by Tuesday June 10th.

We are having a class party for parents and students in the classroom from 2pm-2:45pm on the same day as the pizza party (Wednesday June 11th). I will have a slideshow of pictures and the students will share their writing about their favorite parts of third grade. I hope you can attend! We only need a few things for party #2. I have created a sign-up for those things here:

Thursday, June 12th: Last day of school students may bring in board games (no electronics or games with batteries) for us to play in the afternoon. In the morning I will give them their “surprise” (trying to have it ready by Wednesday for the parent party but who knows....) and all of 3rd grade will watch a movie. If you student will not be here on Wednesday or Thursday please let me know as soon as possible so I can get their surprise/gift to them.

Thank you!!!

Carol Ann aka Ms. Pyburn

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dates and information for the end of the year

Students did not have HW today or yesterday. HW will start back tomorrow. Monday Folders will go home tomorrow (Wednesday 6/4) and next Monday.  

Thursday, June 5th: Pizza money ($3) due and scholastic money due

Tuesday, June 10th: PBIS assembly for fourth quarter award winners at 9:30. I emailed you if your student is getting an award

Wednesday, June 11th: Third grade picnic from 12:00-2:00 (bring a towel) then we will have our class party and parents are invited to come to our classroom to celebrate

Thursday, June 12th: Last day of school. Students may bring in board games (no electronics or games with batteries)

** parent celebration will be Wednesday from 2:00-2:45** An email should be sent soon