Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Special Valentine Notes

Everyone drew a name today and took this sheet of paper home as an explanation for our Special Valentine note. I did this last year with my class and it was such a fun and kind experience to have with everyone. Please be sure that your student takes it seriously and spends time (perhaps lots of time because of snow) proof writing, adding to, editing, and decorating. 

Special Valentine Notes
On a separate sheet of paper please make a special Valentine for the friend that you drew from the basket today. You should write a rough draft and have a parent or sibling read over it and edit it with you.
You may add more information than the outline below, but be sure to talk about the character traits your friend has and not his or her appearance (what they look like).
Your final draft is written neatly on notebook paper or on a card that you have decorated. We will be sharing this out loud with the rest of the class on Friday (2/14) and then presenting it to them. Please do not share any information with other students so this can be a fun surprise J  


TO:  _________________________
FROM:  ______________________

YOU ARE TERRIFIC BECAUSE _____________________________________.
THANK YOU FOR _____________________________________________.
I LIKE HAVING YOU IN MY CLASS BECAUSE_____________________________.

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