Monday, January 27, 2014

Pyburn News 1/27/14

Real quick...

Report cards are in your student's monday folders. Please keep report at home ad only return the signed envelope. 

Please be sure to send in field trip form and money as soon as possible. 

We started read to achieve testing today and our students worked very hard :)

SNOW?!?! Please continue to check the news, your emails, and have the phone of the phone number I have handy. Two yeas ago we had to call every parent to let them know that school was ending early... That wasn't fun and especially when I had the wrong numbers. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Read to Achieve Information

The following information has changed as of 2/13/14 so please see the link given on 2/19/14 for undated information!!!!!!!!

Some of you were unable to attend last week's Read to Achieve meeting to obtain information about how this legislation affects your third grader.  Here is a very brief run down:

Starting next week (1/27), every third grader will complete 3 reading passages on the same standard.  The following week, they will take 3 on a different standard, and so on.  These passages are about a page and a half long and have 5 questions on each.  They will be graded and kept in a portfolio for your child.  If they do  not pass all 3 passages for a certain standard, they will have a chance to take another passage.  This will go on throughout the school year.  By the end, we hope to have built a portfolio that shows your child has mastered each of the 12 standards. For a total of 36 reading passages or more (if they have to take another test on a certain standard that they did not pass all 3 of) by May 16th.  This will be very important, because if they do not pass the English-Language Arts EOG test at the end of the year, the portfolio will provide the necessary information to show that they are proficient, what they call a "good cause exemption."  ALL third graders will have a portfolio, regardless of their level of proficiency in the classroom.

If they do not have a proficient portfolio and they do not pass the EOG, they will have to go to a summer Reading program and will then move on to 4th grade as a "transitional 4th grader" and will receive interventions next year to support them in literacy.  However, if they do not attend the Reading program, they will be retained in third grade.  

For more detailed information about this legislation, please read the following document:  

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Notes from 1/22/14
1/23/14 Drew yesterday's example in a grid. Doesn't matter which way the rectangle is turned. 
1/23/14 hard to see but we compared the 3 rectangles on this worksheet and answered the questions above with our partners. 

The Morehead Planetarium Field Trip Information

The third grade team is excited to tell you about our upcoming field trip on February 20th to The Morehead Planetarium and Science Center at Chapel Hill.  At the field trip the children will be seeing a show in The Planetarium and also participating in a fun and engaging workshop class.  This experience supports our third quarter science unit “Objects in the Sky”.  The cost of the trip to cover the show, class and also to pay for our busses is $13 per student.  Donations to help the students who financially cannot pay for the trip are greatly appreciated.  Please fill out both sides of the attached permission slip and send in your payment to your homeroom teacher by Thursday, February 13th.  Please make out all checks to “Douglas Elementary School”.  You may also pay online through OSP (Online School Payment).  You can access OSP directly online at the Douglas Elementary School website.

If you are interested in chaperoning, we would love to have you!  We are allowed to have two chaperones per class.  Please submit your name to your homeroom teacher by Friday, February 7th and your classroom teacher will do a drawing on this date to announce the chaperones.   To be a chaperone you must have a background clearance.  The discounted cost for chaperones is $6.00.  Due to parents not being allowed to ride Wake County busses, chaperones are required to drive separately and meet us at the Planetarium.  This is a wonderful volunteer experience! 

Thank you for your support!

The Third Grade Team

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bar graph- how far can you jump?

On 1/8/14 I picked 10 students by random (drew numbers) and let each jump. We measured and recorded our data and ranked them from shortest to longest jump. 
Also on 1/8/14 I helped start everyone on making a bar graph from the data. they finished it independently or with help from their math partners. 

Read to Achieve

Parents and Families,
Many of you are aware that the third grade school year is a critical year because of the state's Read to Achieve legislation.  We will have an information session for parents of third graders on Thursday, January 16 at 5:30 in the Media Center.  If your child has received 2s or wavers between a 2 and a 3 in Reading (tests and/or report card grades), it is important that you attend.  The meeting is for ALL parents of third graders, but especially those whose children are at risk and are not demonstrating proficiency in literacy skills.  Again, all are invited because Read to Achieve affects everyone.

Let me know if you have questions about the information session!
Thank you,
Carol Ann


The school is having a "winter wear" drive for the next 2 weeks.  We're collecting NEW hats, scarves, mittens and gloves to give to Douglas students in need. 

In our class we are in need of new 1 inch binders. Several student's binders are falling apart!!! Today is day 83 of 180 days so we are about 1/2 way through the year so hopefully replacement binders will last the rest of this year :) We are also in need of babywies. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pyburn News 12-2-14 Welcome Back!!!

I hope everyone had a great break!! It was too funny how quiet our class was this morning... I think they were all a little tired. They were also so cute and thrilled for me and the exciting news of my engagement :)

This week in reading we are going to continue to work on non-fiction text features and questioning. Next week we will be looking at the main idea and supporting details in nonfiction texts. This is  BIG unit and very important. 

In math, we are continuing to work on multi-step multiplication and division problems. Homework tonight is correcting an assessment that they took before break. This is a great practice to get our students in the habit of doing. Next week we will be working with pictographs and bar graphs so be looking for a little (much needed) change from multiplication and division word problems. Students are going to be staying in homeroom for math until further notice... it is just a change that we are trying. 

Thank you so much for all my sweet gifts and cards, it meant so much to me. Here we go 2014!!!

Dates reminders:
Parent Power Night will be Thursday, January 16th 6:00- 7:30pm
Children will be entertained in the gym with a movie and popcorn during the workshop.  Thanks, PTA Volunteers!
January 17th is Early release
Jan 20 Holiday and the 21st is a teacher workday